About Us


The BTS Industries Group is one of the largest and most specialized technical and engineering complexes and manufacturers of brass fittings and plumbing valves and five-layer pipes in the country and region. The members of this industrial group are Faraz Gostar Sepahan, Behtarashan Sepahan and Ehdas Sanat Pishrafteh.
The initial formation of this group began in 1988with the design and construction of complex machines, such as the transfer machines needed for the valve industry and brass fittings. Currently, the BTS Industries Group of Companies in Isfahan Province is operating in an area of over 20,000 square meters with 500 man workforce. BTS’s brass products have the capability to use all of the five-layer standard pipes, and therefore, a diverse range of customers such as those working in housing, design engineers, five-layer pipe manufacturers and etc. have joined BTS as customers. We are confident that we have been with you for many years in the warm environment of our home or friendly work atmosphere.